Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Q: How can I exercise safely in pregnancy?

I'm used to being very active and would like to continue to exercise during my pregnancy.How can I make sure I stay safe?

A: It's great you're keen to stay fit, and if you follow a few rules, it's perfectly safe for you and your baby. You can feel tired during the first trimester, but exercise can re-energise you. Providing you get the OK from your doctor, you can exercise safely for up to 30 minutes a day, four to five days a week.Have a snack before exercising to keep your blood sugar levels up and stay hydrated by drinking water before,during and after your session.
  Your second trimester is a great time to exercise. Some activities should be avoided, though - anything that carries a risk of falling,activities requiring balance and agility, and those involving lying on your back for long periods or that mean twisting the upper body. Go for a moderate cardiovascular exercise, such as swimming,walking or stationary cycling, but ensure that you can hold a conversation while exercising!
  Keep your exercise regime up in your third trimester, as being fit prepares you for labour. Don't overdo the stretching, though, as your ligaments are more supple now, putting you at greater risk of injury than usual. You need to rest, too. Get one hour of rest for every hour of exercise.Seek urgent medical help if you experience any of these while exercising: *severe localised pain,
                                                                   *vaginal bleeding or feeling unwll generally.
Q: How can I tell if my baby is teething?

A: It's anyone's guess when your baby will get his first teeth - he could be born with them ;he could be still toothless at 1 - but more than likely he'll let you know they're on the way...

Classic signs are:
*Swollen and red gums
*Redness on the cheeks
*A sudden desire to gnaw on everything (offer teethers)
*Sore skin around the chin and mouth ( caused by dribble)
*Disturbed sleep
*Ear pulling

Other signs parents pick up on - but could be symptoms of something else:
*Appetite loss
*Nappy rash and/or very dirty/runny nappies
*Slight fever