Wednesday, 1 January 2014

I'm worried he's falling behind.

Q:My son is 9 months old and was born nine weeks premature.He still can't sit up and seems to be getting really frustrated.Is he developing normally?

A:All babies develop at a different rate,although it's completely normal to compare your own baby's progress with that of others!With a premature baby,this can become quite a worry,as it's understandable you are keen for him to 'catch up'. At this age most babies are sitting up,but many will still wobble over to the side unless supported.To help your baby develop muscles and the balance required for sitting up,try playing games such as Row,Row,Row Your Boat.Sit on the floor facing each other,holding hands,and gently rock backwards and forwards to the song.
 Allow your baby plenty of time playing on the floor,on his tummy and his back - you can also prop him up a little with pillows.It's good to play with him at his level,getting down on the floor with him,changing the toys he plays with and his position regularly.
 If you're still concerned after three to four weeks,see your health visitor or doctor so they can follow his progress and offer you further advice.


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