Sunday, 1 December 2013

Q:I'd like to deliver my placenta naturally.Can I choose to,or will I have to have the injection?

A:Whether or not you have the injection will probably depend on the type of birth you have.If it's natural one,you might like to complete the process without the injection,but it usually takes longer for the placenta to be delivered in this way.However,once your baby is born he'll stay attached by cord and get a boost of oxygen and blood through it,until it stops pulsating after about 20 minutes.The placenta takes around an hour to separate,and your body will produce natural bonding hormones (oxytocin),boosted by holding and looking at your baby while he's still attached.the hormones cause the uterus to contract,and the placenta will separate and come away.
   If you've had intervention such as forceps,ventouse,an epidural or you're anaemic,you'll be advised to have an injection of syntometrine and the placenta will come away in around 10 minutes.

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