Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Q:Mealtimes are a nightmare

My toddler is so picky about food.Her dad thinks we should bribe her to eat with rewards of TV or sweets but I don't agree.As she gets worse,we're now arguing about how to deal with it.

A:Toddlers are notorius for being picky about food and it's perfectly normal at this age.Bear in mind that if being fussy about food gets attention then your toddler has a good reason for behaving like that.
 Even the fussiest toddlers will usualy eat enough to meet their needs,so try to avoid getting into rows over how to coax her to eat more.What's important is that you both respond consistently to her fussy eating.
 Aim to keep mealtimes relaxed.Sit down and eat together as a family whenever you can and set a good example by letting your child see you enjoying mealtimes.Let her eat as much as she wants and remove her plate without comment at the end of the meal.That way she'll learn that being fussy doesn't get attention.Avoid using bribes to coax your child to eat,otherwise she'll expect something in return every time she finishes a meal - this is bad habit to get into.Reward your toddler by praising her and giving her a cuddle when she eats well. 

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