Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Q:She isn't walking

My 18-month-old daughter still isn't walking and just shuffles around on her bottom.She's never crawled and I'm worried she won't develop the strength she needs in her legs.Should I see a specialist?

A:Babies walk on average at around 13 months old,but there is a big range - some babies walk at 9 months and 98% walk by 18 months.Lots of babies shuffle on their bottoms and never crawl,then just pulling themselves up to "cruise" (using furniture as a support when taking their first steps) and can bear their weight on their legs in the usual way.Chances are that your daughter will just walk a little late,but 18 months is the perfect time to get her checked.Ask your doctor to refer her to your local Child Development Team and they will do a full check.If your daughter favors one arm on one leg when she moves,this is worth mentioning as she might have better strength or coordination on one side.
 In the meantime ,there are things you can do to help her develop strength and balance.Play games where your daughter is on her tummy,such as reaching for toys or swimming with you.Hold her hands and encourage her to practise walking,as this stimulates the development of the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination.Baby Yoga is great - babies and toddlers learn so much in a group class and each yoga movement is designed to promote strength,coordination and balance. 

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