A:There are no real rules for these sensitive situations,as each family has to do what's right for them.Set out some clear expectations with your partner about how much involvement you both thinks he'll have in your family life.Explain to your toddler you've met a special friend,show her a photo of him,and explain about his family and where he lives.Keep the first few meetings short and sweet and on neutral territory,such as the park.
To start with,don't be too open about kissing in front of your tot,as one of you might find it uncomfortable.Be ready for your daughter to either ignore your new partner or stick to your side like glue.Whatever she does,make little comment and don't force either of them to go outside their comfort zone.In the first few weeks,keep your daughter's routines the same and set aside special time together and give her extra cuddles to reassure her.You'll all need time to learn how to be together,so keep it as light-hearted as possible.
5 tips for successful playdates
1.Time them wisely.Opt for a day when your little one isn't busy to avoid over-stimulating him.
2.Ensure your tot is well fed and rested,and don't skip his nap times.Hungry and tired toddlers don't play easily.
3.Keep time scales realistic.Around on to two hours is probably enough.
4.Put precious toys away,as they're fuel to squabbles.If you're going to someone else's house,let your tot bring toys he's happy for others to play with.
5.Try neutral territory if being at home is difficult,rather than avoiding playdates altogether.
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